Price on Call
Zemillli paint factory has been commited to prouducing quality paints that are high in demand.zemili produces a wide variety of paints and glues that have been developed by a team of research and development professionals.zemili paint factory is only paint factory in the country to be ISO has workforce of around 200 employees,operates 24 hours a day,and uses the latest in production and quality control equipments.zemilli has expanded its production capacity in 2012 and currently adhering to its customers requirment by broadeningits product base.the factory has annual capacity to produce approximately 15 milion liters of over 150 different colors for various purpose that include ;-mega super plastic paints for interior and exterior walls,mega synthethic paints for metal and wood structures,mega printing inks for printing press.zemill paint factory geda/DH geda blanket factory +251 116 6381 58/FAX;011 663 8162/P.O.BOX 534,Addis ababa,ethiopia E-mail;