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multicell and honeycomb is supplied by Doba industrial trading p.l.c.the sysytem consists of a main panel with snap-on connecting profiles made of aluminum or polycarbonate.the use of stainless steel fasteenrs allow for therminal expansion and eliminates the need for penetrations through the sheet,henece the structure is 100% water tight.The heart of the the Denpalon sysytem is standing the system consist of ;-extruded translucent pante with a vertical standing seam on both sides of the panel,a snap-on connector interlocking the panel,conceald stainles steel retinationclips .the fully assembled sysytem is free floating.each component is free to thermally expand or contract at its own rate,eliminating "waves"or deflaction and maintaining the structural properties of the material.danpal advantages ,high impact and weather resistant,100% water proof ,free therminal expansion,UV protection,freedom of design ,reduces the need for artefcial lighting,offers mre thermal insulation than any other day lighting sysytem.+251 115 5125 87/+251 116 55 67 48/+251 115 51 83 72/+251 116 18 74 69 P.O.BOX.3345 Addis ababa Ethiopia