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Double layer and Stepped tile are supplied by DH GEDA G.I.S factory .DH GEDA G.I.S factory aims to meet the iron sheets demand for roofing purposes,DH GEDA G.I.S factory has started producing stepped tile and egga steel roofing mostly for comercial buildings and urban housing developments.its also produces for different gauge assortments as well as suppliying inaccordance with the customers request.DH GEDA G.I.S factory produces 20,000 metric tonnes per annun and is known for its superior quality,all achieved by using the latest in japanese technology. the factory currently producw at its full the near future the company plans on expanding its program with hopes of offering a wider variety of steel products with better quality at a competitive price .product classifications ;-stepped tile and egga with 0.32,and 0.50mm thickness galvanized and colored CIS 0.20mm X 875mmX2000mm,CIS 0.25mm X 875mmX2000mm.+251 116 63 81 58/FAX +251 663 812/P.O.BOX 534,Addis ababa,Ethiopia E-MAIL